Dorian Yates High Intensity Training (HIT) Program
4-day Split High Intensity Training (HIT) program from one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time.
Dorian Yates is one of the greatest legends in bodybuilding. He was considered the first "mass monster" in bodybuilding and won the revered Mr. Olympic title 6 times in a row from 1992 to 1997.
Dorian Yates popularized High Intensity Training, also known as HIT. It's a unique training style where you give it your 110% effort on only 1 working set per exercise. This is different from most training programs where you do multiple sets per exercise.
Dorian Yates workout program is 6 days per week, with the following splits:
Day 1: Shoulders, Triceps and Abs
Day 2: Back and Rear Delts
Day 3: Rest Day
Day 4: Chest, Biceps and Abs
Day 5: Rest Day
Day 6: Quadriceps, Hamstrings and Calves
Day 7: Rest Day
- LevelNovice, Intermediate, Advanced
- GoalBodybuilding
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length12 weeks
- Days Per Week4 days
- Time Per Workout60 minutes
Dorian Yates, a six-time Mr. Olympia (1992-1997), is renowned for his revolutionary training approach and intense physique, which reshaped the standards of professional bodybuilding. Known as "The Shadow," Yates brought unprecedented muscle mass and density to the stage. His training methods, often referred to as "Blood and Guts," were based on High-Intensity Training (HIT), influenced by Arthur Jones and Mike Mentzer. This approach focused on shorter, more intense workouts with fewer sets but maximal effort.
Yates believed in training each body part once a week using one or two all-out sets per exercise after thorough warm-ups and gradual weight progression. His style emphasized form, extreme focus, and pushing muscles to failure in these brief but brutally intense sessions, aiming to stimulate growth while allowing ample recovery time. His approach has inspired athletes worldwide, emphasizing quality over quantity in training, and now you can follow his workout with the program available on the Boostcamp App.