8 reviews for Dorian Yates High Intensity Training (HIT) Program
Dorian Yates is one of the greatest legends in bodybuilding. He was considered the first "mass monster" in bodybuilding and won the revered Mr. Olympic title 6 times in a row from 1992 to 1997.
Dorian Yates popularized High Intensity Training, also known as HIT. It's a unique training style where you give it your 110% effort on only 1 working set per exercise. This is different from most training programs where you do multiple sets per exercise.
Dorian Yates workout program is 6 days per week, with the following splits:
Day 1: Shoulders, Triceps and Abs
Day 2: Back and Rear Delts
Day 3: Rest Day
Day 4: Chest, Biceps and Abs
Day 5: Rest Day
Day 6: Quadriceps, Hamstrings and Calves
Day 7: Rest Day
Fausto Carrasquillo
Man, 223 weeks complete
As expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
Kiệt Võ
Man, 264 weeks complete
1 year of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
best HIT program gained much of muscle, especially in the back.
Man3 weeks complete
6 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Good program but workouts might be a bit lengthy depending on how much you rest.
Man, 25
5 weeks complete
3 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
Best app for gym
Diego B.
Man, 323 weeks complete
8 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
The best aspect is that you really can make it intense. It's a short work out if you want to. You can have some ego lifting. Who don't wanna feel like the shadow man!
Robert F.
Man, 513 weeks complete
1 year of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
Simple and easy. Warm up then heavy set or sets then move on.
Jose A.
Man, 273 weeks complete
2 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Program works great if you push yourself, swapped some movements to others that I prefer or feel better for the select muscle group. Might add an extra day on top of the 4 days to hit targeted areas that I personally lack on.
Man5 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
If you watch Dorian Yates “Blood & Guts” and emulate the intensity he used, this program can be absolutely brutal. I did warm up a little more than the program says to, but that’s just my preference. I would recommend this program to anyone who can’t lift 5-6 times a week, and for people who love to challenge themselves. I got stronger almost every week, just eat a lot of calories and ensure good rest and sleep.