The Baki Maxing Plan
The Baki Maxing Plan is a 27-week, 3-phase, science-based bodybuilding program
The goal of the Baki Maxing Plan is to take you from being thin, weak, and unconditioned and, over the course of 6-8 months, transform your body into one that is muscular, strong, and capable!
The 3 nine-week programs that make up this plan put extra focus on the muscle groups that give Baki Hanma his signature look, such as his shoulders, quads, arms, chest, calves, and, of course, that DEMON BACK! The program doesn't neglect any muscle groups, as a balanced physique is important, but some muscle groups get more attention to make sure they stand out.
- LevelNovice, Intermediate, Advanced
- GoalBodybuilding
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length27 weeks
- Days Per Week5 days
- Time Per Workout60 minutes
The Baki Maxing Plan consists of three nine-week phases of training that increase both in intensity and overall training volume as you progress from phase 1 to phase 3. This ensures that as you follow the plan, you never plateau and are always making steady gains.
If you’re fairly new to lifting (0-1 years in the gym), just coming back to the gym after a break, injury, or after being inconsistent for a while, or if you just want to follow a 3-day-a-week program, I’d recommend you start with phase 1 of this program before moving on to phase 2 and then phase 3.
As mentioned before, these programs get harder and have higher volume as you go on. If you complete a phase and feel you’re not ready to progress to a phase of higher volume training (higher volume means more workouts and sets per week), you can repeat the phase you just did and still expect to see great results! Then, after that, you can move on to the next phase.
At the end of each phase, there is a planned deload week to help your body fully recover and refresh before you move on to your next phase of hard training. During these deload weeks, you will only train twice, and the workouts will be short and easy. Besides these workouts, make sure to get plenty of sleep, relaxation time, and good food!
As this is a muscle-building program, you NEED to have your diet at least somewhat dialed in if you want to see results from this program.
To put on a significant amount of muscle while using the Baki Maxing Plan, follow these guidelines:
1. Caloric Surplus: Eat 250-500 calories over your maintenance calories each day.
2. Monitor Weight: Weigh yourself in the mornings 3-4 days a week. Aim to gain 0.25-0.5% of your total body weight per week. If you're gaining slower than this, increase your daily calorie intake by 200. Wait a week to see if you start gaining at the desired rate, and repeat this process until you achieve the correct rate of gain. If you’re gaining weight faster than the desired rate, do the opposite: decrease your daily calorie intake by 200, wait a week, check, and repeat until you're gaining at the right rate.
3. Balanced Diet: Follow the 80-20 rule:
- 80% whole, unprocessed foods (e.g., beef, rice, veggies, fruit)
- 20% processed foods (e.g., candy, fries, chips, pizza)
4. Protein Intake: Consume 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily, spread across 4-5 evenly sized meals.
How to perform Myo Rep Sets-
Step one: Go to failure on your regular set
Step two: Rest and wait until the burning in the working muscles goes away (usually only 5-10 seconds)
Step three: Perform another set at the same weight right away and go until failure
Step four: Continue with this process of resting for 5-10 seconds and going to failure until you're not able to complete 5 reps a set.
(In terms of how you should track your reps in the app for these, just write down how many reps you got on the first normal set you did. So if you did 15 reps on your first set, then did 10 reps, then 8 reps, then 5 reps for your Myo Reps sets, you would just write 15.)
How to perform Drop Sets-
1. Take your first regular set to failure (Preferablly failing around the rep goal set)
2. Immediately reduce the weight by 25-40%.
3. Without resting, continue the exercise until you reach failure again (perform as many reps as it takes to get to failure again).
4. Repeat the process by dropping the weight another 25-40% and perform the exercise to failure one more time.
Do your regular set first, then two total drop sets, each time taking the exercise to failure.
Complete the following warm-up before every workout-
5 Minutes moderate intensity cardio
Hamstring Sweeps x30
World’s Greatest Stretch x10/side
Downward Dog To Plank x10