Program Description
There is often a divide drawn between form and function, and it is a common misconception that the bridge between the two cannot be reached. This program is meant to build this bridge: to make you into a unit while being agile and functional. In this program, I have taken ideas from the warriors of the past and Kratos' aesthetics and movement patterns. If you are familiar with God of War lore, you will know that Kratos was a Spartan. The Spartan army was a heavy-infantry powerhouse during it's time. First, the individual Spartan warrior wore around 60-80 lbs of armor into battle. This is taxing and cumbersome in combat. One must be strong enough to bear the weight of armor for long periods of time, and, additionally, aerobically robust enough to endure the strains of combat. Secondly, the Spartans hiked far with lots of weight to reach the field of battle. Although their squires would carry most of the weight, Spartan hoplites still carried 40-50 lbs over distances of fifty miles or more. This required extreme endurance. Thirdly, the Spartans were avid athletes. Spartans were dedicated to combat, sure, but they also routinely competed in the Olympic Games. In fact, Spartans were renowned for their wrestlers, boxers, and sprinters. In conclusion, the Spartans were agile while wearing armor, had endurance to hike long distances, and were extremely athletic. On a different note, the most striking traits of Kratos are his Obliques, Traps, and Shoulders. He has impressive Arms, Abs, Chest, and Back also, but the former are his most defined features. This makes perfect sense. Kratos will have strong Obliques from swinging his Leviathan Axe, impressive Traps from Deadlifting heavy obstructions up and out of the way, and boulder Shoulders from all of the general movement that he does. I will also add that he does a lot of chain-climbing (forearms and back), carrying many pounds of armor (more traps and core), and dealing with an annoying son that he can't seem to make behave (patience and self-restraint). In this program, you will be hitting your Obliques, Traps, and Shoulders the hardest, bi-weekly or more. You will be working your Arms, Chest, Legs, and Back as secondary muscle groups. As well, you will be conducting movements that have maximum carry-over to Kratos's and Sparta's style of fighting: explosive, agile, and skillful. Thumbnail Credit:
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Advanced
- GoalAthletics, Olympic Weightlifting, Powerbuilding
- EquipmentGarage Gym
- Program Length6 weeks
- Time Per Workout90 minutes
- CreatedMar 28, 2024 08:11
- Last EditedFeb 14, 2025 05:27