Program Description
The purpose of this program is simple - build hypertrophy within the confines of your own home. This Program will focus on a simple progression of Push-Ups, Rows, and Squats. These are some of the best all around movements to use if you're starting out, as they build a base for strength in the future and they bolster you're ability to move in your day-to-day life. Each week you will add an extra 2 sets to your workout. It is meant to start off light and build up. If it is too challenging at first, do less repititions per excersise. If it is not challenging enough, you can add weight by using everyday household items (i.e. two gallons of liquid, a stack of books, a chair, e.t.c.). The purpose of adding 2 sets every week is to make increase hypertrophy from week to week. Ideally, from week to week the same number of sets should be less challenging. Challenging is what we're looking for here, as this is the greatest way to stimulate muscle growth (in bro-science terms.) The final week is a deload week to eleviate some fatigue to prepare you for your next cycle. All of your training will be cut in half from the previous week, and you will see the improvements you've made since you started. With each passing week each movement will get a bit easier, but you will make it that much harder. This is the name of the game in the weightlifting world, and anything you do in life really: progressive overload. Along with the core movements I have added additional accessory movements to provide more overrall growth, but it also provides you with something yo change it up with. Feel free to add variations and modifications as you please. Now get after it. Thumbnail credit:
Program Overview
- LevelBeginner, Novice
- GoalBodyweight Fitness, Athletics
- EquipmentAt Home
- Program Length5 weeks
- Time Per Workout30 minutes
- CreatedApr 08, 2024 05:51
- Last EditedJan 30, 2025 04:28