Program Description
This program designed for hypertrophy and strength progress. This is not a typical PPL Split. The program has not L in PPL. That means there is no leg day especially. Instead of this leg days divded these two and added to the other days. Thus the days in the program got reduced and recovery time got increased. However, some parts of body may work more and cant recover easily , on that case you have to watch yourself carefully and make a desicion about program progress. The reps for split exercises in the program are for each side. Some tips: 1) At compaund exercises, you should rest 3-4 minutes. But isolation exercises need less resting time. For example 1.5-2 minutes. 2) If you feel bad or your muscles says enough! you must stop and don't do next set. You must go to the next exercise directly. 3) You can add more 1-2 sets to the last 2 exercises at push days and last exercises at pull days if you feel well that day and you think "I can do.". 4) Some exercises need spot. If you work alone you must ask somebody for giving hand and being spot. They will do that gladly for sure. 5) Heavy reps or sets may force you. In that situation you can use straps, wraps or waist belt etc.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Advanced
- GoalBodybuilding, Powerbuilding
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length12 weeks
- Time Per Workout90 minutes
- CreatedSep 26, 2024 05:32
- Last EditedNov 25, 2024 09:40