Program Description
The Mugetsu Method is designed for intermediate to advanced lifters looking to break PRs through the use of block periodization training method. This program is designed to train all the physical qualities in the strength-power-speed spectrum, but with a distinct focus on 1rm strength on Squat, Bench, Deadlift and Overhead Press. Thus making it viable for Powerlifters, Strongman base building, off-season Athletes and even strength aspired Bodybuilders. I use this program to reach my first +700kg total at 30 years old, with Squat:250kg, Bench: 150kg, Deadlift: 300kg, OHP: 90kg, first time dunking, 100m first time below <11 seconds. This program can be repeated as many times as you want, since it trains all physical qualities need, from hypertrophy to specific strength skill based training. You can intelligently change the exercises main or accessories to what you consider you need more depending on your weakness. E.g. replace block pulls for RDL or OHP for closed grip or incline bench press, etc. After week 12 you can test your 1rm on Squat, Bench, Deadlift (for example as a mock meet at Saturday or Sunday of week 12) and the impute the new numbers at the program and repeat it, for even more gains! TL;DR: You will get stronger, faster and way more explosive!
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Advanced
- GoalPowerlifting, Powerbuilding, Athletics
- EquipmentGarage Gym
- Program Length12 weeks
- Time Per Workout100 minutes
- CreatedDec 30, 2023 07:48
- Last EditedFeb 18, 2025 09:35