Program Description
Increase 1RM strength on the powerlifting compound movements: Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. The mesocycle is three weeks long and punctuated with a deload week. If you successfully hit all reps at prescribed RPE targets during the mesocycle, start the next one with an increase to your 1RM of 1-3%. Alternatively, the end of the deload week incorporates high intensity singles that can be used to estimate 1RM values for the following mesocycle. The program utilizes a daily undulating model on a week-to-week basis following a hypertrophy (higher volumes at moderate intensities to stimulate growth) -> power/technique (High intensity, low rep practice) -> strength (moderate volume, higher intensity) modality. Ideally, separate the strength days with a rest day to promote recovery if possible. A linear periodization (wave loading) model is used for progression. Each week load is increased by 2.5% of 1RM and reps reduced by 1 for powerlifting movements. For other exercises, add 5lbs (10lbs for heavy compounds) and reduce reps by 1 (or 2 if in the 8-16 rep range). The last week is designed as a deload to reduce accumulated fatigue. Compared to the preceding week, reps are held while sets and loads are reduced. A deload week should be implemented after a mesocycle if you honestly answer "yes" to 2 or more of the following: • Dreading the gym? • Sleep worse than normal? • Loads/reps decreasing? • Stress worse than normal? • Aches and pain worse than normal?* * If "yes" to only aches and pains, do a high rep week: Keep sets and RPE the same, but change reps to be in the 12-20 rep range based on prior prescription (i.e., lower rep sets towards 12, higher rep sets towards 20) and personal preference. If "yes" to none or only 1, you can start the next mesocycle (skip deload week). Make sure to deload after every third consecutive mesocycle without one, out of an abundance of caution for fatigue management.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate
- GoalPowerlifting
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length4 weeks
- Time Per Workout40 minutes
- CreatedNov 14, 2024 01:46
- Last EditedNov 15, 2024 12:29