Program Description
Strength & Conditioning Strongman program leading up to Cowtown’s Strongest in Fort Worth, Texas. 3 blocks, 4 weeks each. Accumulation > Intensification > Realization >Main lifts we use 3/5/1 programming >Supplemental lifts use Juggernaut Method >Assistance lifts we use high rep superset methods *There are 3 conditioning days >Long distance (20-30 min consistent pace) >Hard conditioning (sleds, hills, etc for speed) >Active Recovery (light bike, etc) **If you count active recovery day then you are active 7 days a week on this program. This is physically demanding but designed for building work capacity and everything is spaced out thoughtfully for recovery. Use the training maxes, don’t overshoot and be on top of your form you will be just fine. MAKE SURE YOU READ ALL DIRECTIONS FOR DAYS AND EXERCISES! Training Max, Percentages and RPE are all utilized in this program so get to know these progression methods before starting this. >Training Maxes: 85% first block, 90% second block and 95% third block. >Percentages are used for main lifts and Supplemental lifts. >RPE is used for Assistance exercises. >Main lifts we stay in the low rep range for strength. >Supplemental lifts we use mid range reps to build muscle in weak areas of main lifts. >Assistance is low impact, easy to recover from exercises used at very high rep ranges to build tendon strength and work capacity. Warmup Protocol: Foam Rolling: 5-10 minutes Light Cardio Warmup Always begin with 5-10 minutes of light cardio. Light cardio involves walking or utilizing an elliptical. It should be low impact. Banded Warmups -Eye level, Band wrapped around post. Face Pull, 2 count pause at eyes 2x15 -Chest level, Band wrapped around post. Chest Pull 2 count pause at chest pinching back 2x15 -Banded straight arm pulldowns, at the bottom feel like pulling bands apart 2x15 -Band Triceps Extension, 2x15 -Band around post Rows, 2x15 -Band RDL, good posture 2x15 -band Side Steps, band just above knees step wide side to side keeping tension on the bands, 2x20 (10 each leg), 2 steps each direction at a time -Hip Circle Squats, down controlled and get your knees out, keep good squatting posture 2x10 -Band behind Neck Shoulder Press 2x10 Lower Ignition -long stride walking lunges slow and controlled 2x10 per leg, no knee hitting -Single Leg glute bridges 2x15 each leg, squeeze glutes 2 count at top, keep back straight Explosion: Box Jumps or Medicine Ball Slams
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Advanced
- GoalAthletics, Powerbuilding, Olympic Weightlifting
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length12 weeks
- Time Per Workout90 minutes
- CreatedMay 20, 2024 05:30
- Last EditedNov 11, 2024 03:24