Program Description
[[WORK IN PROGRESS]] Hybrid GZLP/Calisthenics programme to effectively build strength, muscle and cali skills. After running GZLP for 6 months with great results then 6 months of pure calisthenics I have decided to try and cross-programme the two. This programme also takes partial inspiration from the athlete oriented High-Low ethos of programming. The core difference to standard GZLP is that OHP has been swapped for Pull-ups (Weighted) (for the 4 sets of 3-5 format) and Bodyweight Pullups (for the 3 sets of 10 format) to emphasise more calisthenics oriented pulling. Furthermore, the supplementary T3 exercises (Lat Pull-down and Bent over Rows) have been swapped for EZY bar Curls and OHP. Tier 1: A primary compound lift (Squat, RDL, Pull-up, Bench) done for 5 sets of 3 reps Tier 2: A secondary compound lift done for 3 sets of 10 reps Tier 3: Accessory exercises (Curls, OHP) done for 3 sets of 10-15 reps at light weight When to add weight? For T1 and T2 add: - 2.5/5kg every workout until set failure. - Then keep weight and change to either (6x2 for T1) or (3x8 for T2) For T3 add: - If you can do 20-25 reps add weight - If you fail lower weight by 15% and try again Core Values - Legs get hit everyday. - Power, speed and hypertrophy are all equally important. - Day 5 is light aerobic work with mobility work or HIIT, conditioning - No workout is longer than 1-1.5hrs max. - Consistency over intensity. - Switch is up. Keep it fun. Consistency will follow.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Advanced
- GoalBodybuilding, Athletics, Powerbuilding, Powerlifting, Bodyweight Fitness
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length12 weeks
- Time Per Workout70 minutes
- CreatedJun 26, 2024 10:11
- Last EditedDec 21, 2024 02:18