Program Description
It's a variation of the popular 5/3/1 routine, tailored specifically for female athletes. This program focuses on overall strength while also incorporating hypertrophy elements for legs and glutes. Our inside joke is to try and emulate the physique of '80s sword and sorcery movie stars. You could call it a "powerbuilder" or old-school routine. *** Instructions *** - In 5/3/1, there's a value used to calculate the weights called the "training max" (we'll call it TM from now on). This is a percentage of your one-rep max (1RM) for a specific exercise. In this variation, you use 80% or 85% of your 1RM, but it's recommended to start with 80%. For example, if your 1RM for squats is 100 kg, you'd do 100 x 0.80 = 80 kg. So, 80 kg is your TM. - All the variations (like Push Press, RDL, Front Squat, and Paused Bench Press) use the same TM as their main exercise (e.g., Push Press uses the same TM as Standing Press). The difficulty of these variations is already factored in. - In the Boostcamp app, you need to enter the TMs for the variations manually. Remember, they're exactly the same as the main exercise. - The last set of the first exercise is always an AMRAP. Complete the required reps plus as many extra reps as you can. For example, on day one of week one, you should do at least 5 reps plus any extra reps you can manage. - RPE stands for Rate of Perceived Exertion, which is a scale used to measure the intensity of an exercise based on how hard it feels to the individual. For example, if you are doing a set of 12 reps at RPE6, it means you are working at an intensity where you feel you could do 4 - 6 more reps before reaching failure. -Progressing accessories with RPE involves gradually increasing the weight or reps while keeping the same RPE level, ensuring consistent challenge and adaptation without overexertion. - RPE is not fixed and can vary from day to day depending on factors like fatigue, stress, and overall condition. It's important to understand that a weight that feels like RPE8 one day might feel like RPE6 on another day. This variability highlights the importance of autoregulation, which means adjusting your training intensity based on how you feel each session. By doing this, you can ensure you're working at an appropriate intensity and avoid overtraining or undertraining - After completing the 3-week cycle, run the routine again, adding 2.5 kg to upper body lifts and 5 kg to lower body lifts. For example, if you squat 100kg, enter 80kg as your TM. After 3 weeks, use a TM of 85kg. If the last cycle feels really heavy add 1.25 and 2.5 instead - Deload after 6 weeks (see week 4) - Aim for a clean calorie surplus. - Try to complete at least 3 cycles of 6 weeks each. - Start light. - Light cardio on rest days is fine.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Novice, Advanced
- GoalPowerbuilding, Muscle & Sculpting
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length3 weeks
- Time Per Workout60 minutes
- CreatedJul 23, 2024 01:12
- Last EditedFeb 21, 2025 02:00