Program Description
I really love both 531 and Madcow, and have had great results with both, so I figured I should combine them in a hybrid program that I find really works amazingly well, and I really enjoy it. It’s hard enough to make both strength and hypertrophy gains, but it’s a minimalist plan that “gives more than it takes”, so you still have time and energy for cardio, sports and/or family and friends. Progression: If you get all reps with QUALITY in week 3, increase your Training Max with 5 kg or 10 lbs for lower body lifts and 2.5 kg or 5 lbs for upper body lifts after week 4 (deload week). Warm up every workout with: 1: First do 5 minute easy cardio of any kind. 2: Then do “Agile 8 2.0” below; • Feet/Ankle - Rolling bottom of feet with lacrosse ball (60s per foot) • Ankle - weighted calf stretch or knees over toes lunge (depends on what gives you a better stretch) • Glutes - lacrosse ball (60s per side) • Adductors - adductor smash or foam rolling or cosack squats or rocking frog stretch • Hip flexor/Quads - hip flexor stretch • Thoracic extension/rotation - Banded thoracic rotation • Pecs - lacrosse ball across pec or pec opener using rack • Lats/Shoulders - relaxed hang from chinup bar (60s-120s total). Core/abs: I recommend doing 5-15 minutes of core/abs work after you Day 2 strength work. This is entirely up to you. But I recommend either ab wheel, any kind of carries, or just follow a YouTube ab/core stability workout like I do, with focus on different kind of planks. Cardio/conditioning: I recommend 10-30 minutes of intervals after your Day 1 strength work, I like the Norwegian 4x4 intervals on the bike. Do 4 minutes max effort, then 3 minutes easy recovery, for 4 rounds. Then I recommend 60 minutes of LISS at around 60-70% of maximum heart rate, or if you don’t have heart rate monitor you should be able to breathe through your nose the entire time. Do this 60 minutes on 3 of your “off days”. Rest/off day: Then I want you to take one entire day of rest/active recovery. Walk outside in nature, do chores around the house, play with your kids, go to the sauna, easy yoga/stretching, or just sleep the entire day if that’s what your body needs today.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Advanced, Novice
- GoalPowerlifting, Powerbuilding, Athletics
- EquipmentGarage Gym
- Program Length4 weeks
- Time Per Workout50 minutes
- CreatedFeb 24, 2025 03:08
- Last EditedFeb 24, 2025 07:04