
396 reviews for Candito 6 Week Strength Program

The Candito 6 Week Program is designed for intermediate lifters looking to break personal records through the periodization training method.

Renowned as a champion powerlifting coach and OG Youtuber, Jonnie Candito's approach to strength training has gained traction in the fitness community due to its effectiveness.

Periodization in the Candito program means that every week is structured differently:

  • Week 1: Muscular Conditioning

  • Week 2: Hypertrophy

  • Week 3: Linear Max OT

  • Week 4: Heavy Weight / Explosiveness

  • Week 5: Intense Strength Training

  • Week 6: Deload

Read the full Candito program guide below.

4.45 / 5


Man, 41
3 days ago

3 weeks complete

8 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Will update after completing the program

Syeed Mohammad F.

Man, 29
5 days ago

3 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

As expected strength gains

Less than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Awesome result for intermediate one

Chris N.

Man, 46
13 days ago

6 weeks complete

8 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

No modifications

Probably one of the best programs I have used in terms of progress on my major lifts. Found I had plateaued with BBB before this.

Malachi D.

Man, 19
15 days ago

3 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Love this program,I'm on week 4 and after I finish I'll start a hypertrophy program for a while but after that I will be returning to this program for sure.

Man, 23
19 days ago

3 weeks complete

3 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Pretty good program

Man, 28
20 days ago

3 weeks complete

8 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

You can’t beat the candito program! Perfect recovery times and perfectly builds confidence for the next days lift!


Man, 19
22 days ago

3 weeks complete

6 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

Less than expected muscle gains

No modifications

Most underrated program

Christian A.

a month ago

3 weeks complete

2 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Had to manage the benching/deadlifting on my own till about week 4, as volume isnt to my liking. Programs chill

Corey A.

Man, 33
a month ago

6 weeks complete

2 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

Less than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Lots of gains with my lower body, barely any gains with chest. I really like this program, I just need to modify the chest exercises for better gains.

Leon O'Dochartaigh

Man, 38
a month ago

5 weeks complete

8 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Have completed many Candito cycles over the years. This time I used it to boost back into the gym after a few years of injury recovery/slacking. Highly recommend if you want to explode your max on bench or squat. By week 3 I end up adding sets and weight because the progress is so fast. Went from estimated 225 1RM bench and squat to prepping 245 Bench 8x at the end of my workout and 255 3x3 on squat. Gains for days. If you have injuries be sure to tailor the weights, this will push you.