Old School Size and Strength
Build Old School Strength, Old School Muscle, With Old School Training!
The Old School Strength and Size Program is Peter Khatcherians go to training system for adding massive amounts of muscle and strength for intermediate and advanced lifters.
The principles are based on both old school strength training methods, as well as higher volume bodybuilding methods of the pumping iron era.
Bodybuilders in the 60's and 70's were both brutality strong and had physiques that many will argue as the greatest in the history of bodybuilding.
If you want to have a physique like a classic old school bodybuilder but also want the strength that comes with it, this is for you!
Learn more about Pete Khatcherian's training principles on his popular YouTube channel with 200K subscribers.
- LevelIntermediate, Advanced
- GoalBodybuilding, Powerbuilding
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length12 weeks
- Days Per Week5 days
- Time Per Workout60 minutes