Flex Wheeler Super Hypertrophy Program
Build Golden Era Muscle with Flex Wheeler's Super Hypertrophy
The Flex Wheeler Super Hypertrophy Program is a structured workout plan designed to maximize muscle growth through strategic manipulation of weight, repetitions, and tempo. This program operates on a 3-week cycle, where the number of repetitions decreases as the weight increases. In the first week, participants choose a weight that challenges them for 12 reps. In the second week, they increase the weight to a level that challenges them for 10 reps, and in the third week, they push the weight further to complete 8 challenging reps. After completing this cycle, the participant repeats the process, continuing for a total of 12 weeks.
The program stays within the hypertrophy-inducing rep range of 8-12, ensuring that muscle growth is consistently targeted. An essential aspect of this routine is the use of slow eccentric tempos, which enhance muscle tension and time under tension, crucial for hypertrophy. For example, with a squat performed at a 4110 tempo, the lifter lowers into the squat over 4 seconds, holds for 1 second at the bottom, pushes back up in 1 second, and immediately begins the next rep without pausing at the top. Each repetition is designed to take 6 seconds, emphasizing control and maximizing muscle engagement.
Flex Wheeler Online Coaching:
Flex provides online coaching for beginners to advanced lifters, offering personalized training and diet guidance to help you build muscle, lose fat, achieve body recomposition, or live a healthier lifestyle. For more details, visit flexwheelercoaching.com.
- LevelNovice, Intermediate, Advanced
- GoalBodybuilding
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length12 weeks
- Days Per Week6 days
- Time Per Workout60 minutes