59 reviews for Fullsterkur Strongman Program
Developed by Alex Bromley, a 15 year veteran in strength sports who has competed in over 50 Strongman contests, Fullsterkur is a strongman program that you can do in any commercial gym with just basic barbells, dumbbells, and gym machines.
Fullsterkur program features many compound exercise variations that aim to mimic Strongman competition exercises and equipment use with the goal to develop static strength, work capacity, trunk & upper back thickness, explosiveness, and grip strength.
Why train Strongman?
Strongman training is about developing true functional strength. Not only do you learn to lift heavy objects, you learn to move them through different planes of motion, distances, and time durations. You will develop absolute strength, explosiveness, and conditioning that translate to real life.
Strength competitions have been going on since at least 6000 B.C., which culminated to the modern World's Strongest Man Competition in 1977. Strongman competitions require heavy stones, logs, sleds, sandbags, kegs, etc. This is where Fullsterkur comes in...
Machete M
Man, 286 weeks complete
5 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
The program was very enjoyable and my body (mostly back) gained some noticeable thickness, stability and strength as promised. The lower body and back exercises went up, but my press strength stayed the same. I think this could be 5/5 program if the upper body part was improved. Deadlift 185 to 205 (arap doubled!) Ohp no Progress
Man, 1612 weeks complete
2 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Good program, I followed it too strictly the first time I ran it and did not get the results I wanted however following it more loosely the second time I made some real progress. The programming itself is good just make you make the changes that will accomodate your needs instead of following the program to a key. The rest is fine, great program if you want to build a foundation for more specific strongman training in the future.
Graham Cobb
Man, 293 weeks complete
6 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Carefully follow the RPE on this plan. Easy to feel like the load is absurd when he’s asking for 5RPE and u do 7-8. Good program overall, feel like I’ll be at a good spot for my strongman comp.
Fred Espinoza
Man, 353 weeks complete
8 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Love it 💪🏻🐻⚡️
Johnathan R.
Man, 2412 weeks complete
6 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
Less than expected muscle gains
I’m just going with the program. Not actually sure how well I’m doing as far as progress because it doesn’t tell how much stronger I should be or what goals I should be shooting for. I don’t feel significantly stronger. Then again I’m only 4/12 weeks in. UPDATE: I’ve completed the program and as far as massive strength gains I can’t tell but what I do notice is my body is generally tougher. Let me explain. I was capable of moving a lot of weight before but I was scared to progress because of how much of a toll it took on me. I was already capable of out putting the force deadlifting 500 but I didn’t want to risk back injury because my body couldn’t handle the pressure. This program made my body more resilient to the point that I could be pushing heavy weights confidently know that the support for my major muscle groups has grown with the program. When I went for my 500 deadlift it was as smooth as doing 405 because of the back development. I felt the tremendous pressure on my upper back in the pull but it didn’t feel as though it was straining to stay up. It was that satisfying feeling where you get just enough tension on a life that lets you know “I’m in a strong position right now” thanks to the general development here. However my bench press went down like 20lbs. Used to be able to bench 225x10 and this year I worked to finally benching 300lbs but we can’t always be at our peak. So 70s powerlifter is next.
ThatRat B.
Man, 331 week complete
8 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
A good program, with a junk volume simulator slapped on the end needlessly. After cutting that out and making day 2 the first day and bumping day 4 to the end of the week (starting the training week with amrap deadlifts is certainly one of the programming choices of all time...) it's been solid but not outstanding, going into my second run through (not back to back). The reason to come back to it? It provides a change from my own routine and well... Iv paid for it now. Certainly a little disappointed though.
Ethan M.
Man, 283 weeks complete
1 year of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Really enjoying this program, I look forward to every session. Squat and bench aren’t going to progress a lot BUT the deadlift is feeling the best it ever has.
M. Ahmad Khan
Man, 373 weeks complete
7 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Recommend, yes! Favourite aspect the compound movements , almost in the middle of the workout , by end I would be able to see strength and muscle gain progression n, but so far it’s pretty good! Keep at it.
Ben B.
Man11 weeks complete
4 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
The worst part of this program is the lack of information. With Bullmastiff, Bromley wrote a description of the program, he has videos on it, a lot of people have run it and discuss it. I think with Fullsterkur, since it's a paid program he's more hush-hush about it, the description is just a biography on Bromley and there's no real info about the program to be found anywhere. I think I'd need to buy his books to find out. Nonetheless, it's a pretty good program. It's not exactly great for 1rm gains, but my 3rm and 5rm went up drastically, and my cardio is way better. I like the inclusion of clean and press, but I skipped back extensions, they just don't feel right to me and I think a different accessory would go better. I'll probably run Bullmastiff shortly after finishing this one (I'm very bored of 5/3/1 lol), I hear that's a great program with a lot more available information about it. Edit: ok actually I started blasting through PRs shortly after writing that. I think the Peak phase needs to be a bit shorter, I'm basically on my 6th week of doing no chest at all, but I'm literally deadlifting 20lbs over my starting 1rm for sets of 2-3 now. My OHP has gone up by like 20lbs, and I'm casually box squatting 20lbs over my all time squat PR for heavy singles. Again, though, very little info and pretty poor guidance from the program itself. The RPEs given are basically useless, I wouldn't recommend this for anyone who doesn't know a good bit about training just because it's so hard to figure out what you should do. I think you should buy the books instead of the program. I can't argue with the results, though, so even though I think the Peak phase should only be 1/3rd instead of 1/2 the program, and that some of the accessories are silly, it definitely did it's job.
Beau J.
Man, 315 weeks complete
8 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
This program is so much fun!