Program Description
# How to use RM in this Program? In the program I use RM, but in reality the weight you should be using is the one calls "Perfect Weight", this weight is the one that allows you to do 8 reps until failure. # How to train weighted exercise? For the exercises do with RM like pull ups, dips, squats and deadlift, you can do 5 reps and should be have 2 or 3 reps in reserve until failure. # How I can Overload progress? When you do 2 workouts with your perfect weight and you feel like you've gotten stronger, that is, you feel like you have more reps in reserve. Do the same workout, 5 repetitions for 4 sets with the same weight, and if you feel that you have more repetitions in reserve, for example you have 4 repetitions to failure in the first set, 4 in the second, 3 in the third and 3 in the fourth. Now ,for the next workout, you should be able to gain 2.5 or 5kg. Personal opinion, it only increases 2.5 kg. Generally you have the strength increase 1 week before the deload week, in the deload week you use 50% of the weight, and when you return to week 5, you use the weight used in week 3 plus 2.5 kg or 5 kg For example, you start doing dips with 10 kg, in week 1, you do it with 10 kg, the same in week 2 and the same in week 3. In this week, number 3, you can probably increase the weight to 12.5 kg, but Don't do that, just do the same workout, with the same weight. Now, in week 4 of unloading, you do the dips with 5kg, after the unloading week, you can do the dips with 12.5kg. And this is the system that you will repeat until week 16. After week 16, if you started with 10kg dips, you'll probably increase to 20kg, maybe 17.5kg or maybe 22.5 or more, that depends on each person.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Advanced
- GoalAthletics, Bodybuilding, Powerlifting
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length16 weeks
- Time Per Workout90 minutes
- CreatedOct 22, 2024 05:52
- Last EditedJan 01, 2025 03:09