Program Description
Key feature: a program that reduces spinal load - taking weight off the spine while putting on lean mass. Supersets: increases volume, saving time, promoting endurance, and are generally antagonistic to ensure you’re fresh for each set. Full-Body: the idea, opposed to split routines, is to activate protein synthesis often rather than once or twice a week. It means that you’ll avoid oversoreness in any particular muscle group; hopefully, keeping you fresh enough to put in high effort for the next workout. Progression: plug in conservative one rep maxes and work your way up in weight to the seventh week your main lifts. AMRAP at the end of the program to test if you should progress by 5-15 pounds depending on quality and quantity of reps. Personalization: if the routine is too easy, use AMRAP for final sets of accessory movements. If you feel the program is difficult, use reps in reserve by lowering weights to match the difficulty that is appropriate for you. Vital Tip: focus on ensuring reps take 1.5-2.5 seconds in the eccentric phase while not using momentum in the concentric portions. Deep stretches with sensible loads and controlled movements will reduce injury risk and promote muscle growth. Remember that you aren’t guaranteed all of your strength everyday. Results>Ego
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate
- GoalBodybuilding
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length7 weeks
- Time Per Workout60 minutes
- CreatedDec 27, 2024 01:25
- Last EditedDec 29, 2024 10:00