Program Description
***Disclaimer*** I'm not an expert in training/creating bodybuilding nor powerlifting programs, so i DO NOT RECOMMEND running this one. I'm a medical doctor and as a medical doctor I also DO NOT RECOMMEND running this program. The volume is insanely high and the intensity is aswell. This sheet is excessive, dumb, plain moronic. BUT... I actually did this, back in 2021. My ex-coach originally wrote this (i made minor changes here and there) for me when i tried competing in powerlifting and for me i have to say it worked. I managed to do 520 squat and 550 conventional deadlift at 185 bw after 2 years of training. My bench sucked, and i stalled at around 300ish (very long arms, weak upper body in general). He wrote me this program as an off-season plan, based on what I NEEDED at that time. That was volume: I always responded well to high volume and a lot of accessory work. But once again, this was written for me and i do not recommend to try this unless you feel ti do something stupid and probably stupid. If you want to try this I suggest running this 1-2 times per year at maximum to accumulate much volume and test your work capacity. The training sessions are 3h long and there's a lot of axial fatigue to the lower back, so i warn you... I think the only demographics this program suits for are intermediate lifters, maybe 1-3 years into training. There's to much volume to be reasonable for a novice and an advanced would break because of all this fatigue with their loads.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate
- GoalPowerbuilding, Powerlifting
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length5 weeks
- Time Per Workout180 minutes
- CreatedMay 13, 2024 07:48
- Last EditedJan 07, 2025 05:11