Program Description
Program focus - Volume in this program is high with a mix of medium and heavy lifts. - main focus is on compound lifts. - Program is run 3 days a week to allow for conditioning to be run concurrently. This program is not for the faint of heart. It come from the mind of Jon Cole one of the first collegiate strength and conditioning coaches in the U.S. and an impressive athlete in his own right with his greatest powerlifting total being 2364 pounds when Cole weighed 283.0 pounds. It is a 3 day a week program which allows for conditioning to be run on other days. Conditioning should be orientated towards your goals and could range from treadmill walking, Kettlebell circuits, sleds/prowlers, CrossFit style workouts or any form of cardiovascular training The program is split into an A and B week that can be run indefinitely, continue to add weight to all the lifts after each cycle. The compound lifts are designed to be done as programmed however the accessory work can be substituted for any preferred movements as long as they target the programmed muscle group. Accessories can be performed as supersets with minimal rest between exercises to save time.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Advanced
- GoalPowerlifting
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length8 weeks
- Time Per Workout80 minutes
- CreatedJan 23, 2025 07:26
- Last EditedFeb 03, 2025 05:39