Program Description
The goal is to progress with your lifts while having the ability to do other sports without effecting it each other heavily. however it’s important to note that by doing so you will get better at both, just not what you could have, had you specialised in that specific sport alone or bodybuilding. The program can be extended for as long as you want and never be afraid of adding more rest days. it’s based on my personal trial and error, and what exercises can work in supersets for example: If we do squats some people suggest supersetting with bicep curls, I personally found it’s too draining, so I do hanging leg raises or a long head tricep exercise, they don’t seem to take away from each other which is the main goal. The early supersets should include one compound and another one that doesn’t affect it, if you can push them both then it’s good. If they affect each other don’t superset them find another exercise to do targeting the same muscles. More details will be found below. The suggested way to do it if boxing is the other sport: Day1 work out A Day2 boxing + conditioning + snacks Day3: rest Day5: workout B Day6: boxing + conditioning + snacks Day7: rest Day8: workout C. Day9: Boxing + conditioning Day 10: rest Day 11: workout B Workout B should be done always between A and C, as it’s a lighter day. Snacks: things that you want to do more on which maybe are more arm work, lateral raise spamming or whatever else, throw that into your sport day before or after your workout, I’d recommend doing it early in the morning far away from the main workout. The program can be done alone without other sports doing a three day split, on/off/on/off/on/two days off, in which you can add more of your favourite exercises to day B. The program will have some flexibility to choose the variations you like, if you enjoy the selection you will enjoy your workouts which is good for consistency. program guidelines: NEVER work if you have a tweak, it’s easy to hurt yourself, either switch variations if it’s a minor pain or work another body part and rest this one. It’s better to skip one day rather than having to skip sessions due to pain. Warm ups: For presses: shoulder external rotations & band pull apart & band full rotations front of body to the back and glutes. For hip hinges and knee flexions: mcgill three and hip airplanes. Progression scheme: you will do a simple linear progression, you continue to increase your reps from the low end to the high end, once all sets are done with the max reps. RPE: how hard would you rate that set to be with 10 being you can’t do anymore reps. and 9 being “maybe one more left”. gauge the 8 and 7 and six based on that…. Compounds are going to be done for low reps because it will increase strength and it will not take away from your superset (yes higher rep compounds are more tiring than the lower weight higher reps). Count your blessings and thank God for your health and wealth, and push yourself!
Program Overview
- LevelNovice
- GoalBodybuilding
- EquipmentGarage Gym
- Program Length4 weeks
- Time Per Workout60 minutes
- CreatedJan 14, 2024 02:08
- Last EditedFeb 05, 2025 05:50