Program Description
The program focuses on building an aesthetic physique similar to that of Michael B. Jordan or Jonathen Majors from the movie Creed III. The approach to getting these physiques will be done by means of bodybuilding/hypertrophy focused training. Each rep should have an explosive concentric(flex) and slow eccentric(stretch). This will not only build muscle the most optimal way but also help prevent injuries. The program is 4 days a week and is full body. This does not mean you train every muscle group everyday. Rather it means that you will train muscles nearly as soon as they recover. The Creed physique requires a v-taper created by the shoulders and lats. To achieve the Creed physique you will focus mostly on your shoulders, back, chest, and sculpting your midsection. Each workout will take between 45-90 minutes depending on the day and rest times. Training progression: 1. Each exercise has a rep range that you will train within 2. You will increase the weight of an exercise once your first set has reached the highest number of reps in the rep range 3. After you change weights remember that it’s okay if your later sets fall below the rep range 4. You either reach the top of the rep range or if you can’t then go to failure. 5. Chase failure like your life depends on it For nutrition: 1. Aim for 0.8 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass(body weight without the body fat) 2. Aim to walk between 3-6 miles every other day. 3. For carbs aim to mostly eat whole grains 4. Healthy sugars like fruits, vegetables, and natural unfiltered honey are completely safe to consume 5. For the cut aim to consume 350 less calories than your maintenance and the opposite for the bulk. You got this bro!
Program Overview
- LevelNovice, Advanced, Intermediate
- GoalBodybuilding, Muscle & Sculpting
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length12 weeks
- Time Per Workout90 minutes
- CreatedJul 22, 2024 02:45
- Last EditedJul 22, 2024 04:13