Program Description
My girlfriend wanted to start working out and gained some first experience. Now i think ist better to start sticking to a Programm. Progressive overload is key. (Adding weight over time) So basically this counts for every exercise in the Programm: At the start of the Programm, choose a weight at which you can easily do 12 reps. The weight shouldn’t be flying. The last rep should definitely be slower as sour first rep. But don’t over rush it; we will add weight over the next couple weeks.If you can still do 12 reps on the third set, increase the weight by 2.5-5 kg the next week and do it all over again. Some basic rule could be 2 kilos for upper body and 5 kilos gor lower body. But do as you like. Like if you couldd easily outperform the 3x12 many add 5 kilos. On the other side, if you come to the point, we’re your failing your last set (less than 12 reps) sonst add any weight for the next week . Do ist all over again next week with same weight, and if you succeed, you can start adding weight again,. If you fail a weight for two weeks in a row, you lower the weight for the next week. Try to stick to the Programm. Try to do cardio 2 time a week and eat the right stuff. Basically this is a full beginner progression. If you stop making any progress, we need to work out a new progression. Also feel free to change exercises, as long as you stick to the same muscle group and keep track of your weight. In my opinion it is better for a beginner to stick to certain exercises and try to get stronger at them, than changing random exercises.
Program Overview
- LevelBeginner
- GoalMuscle & Sculpting, Bodybuilding
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length6 weeks
- Time Per Workout60 minutes
- CreatedFeb 10, 2025 04:22
- Last EditedFeb 11, 2025 04:04