Program Description
This is an intermediate program to be used 4 days a week. All the days will have a main focus with a super set of an noncomplementary muscle group. The goal of these workouts is to be no longer than an hour and a half a day. Day one is used for stability. This focuses on strengthening you're base and mid section. Day two is for pushing and framing. The chest, triceps and shoulders will be the main activated groups. Day three is for pulling motions. Your back and bi's will be the main targets. Day four is all about stability and remaining agile while your body is gaining muscle mass. This program will assist in making you muscle more dense while not adding muscle size. Keeping the reps in the 10-15 range while adding super sets to allow for muscle fatigue sooner than expected.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate
- GoalAthletics
- EquipmentGarage Gym
- Program Length6 weeks
- Time Per Workout90 minutes
- CreatedJul 06, 2024 11:47
- Last EditedFeb 16, 2025 12:31