Program Description
Pretty simple upper body focused split. Feel free to add a leg day in the mix if you prefer. Personally my knees can’t handle much leg training and the Zercher squats give me enough stimulus to maintain lower body muscle mass while improving my axial strength (loading of the spine.) I would run this split 3 on 1 off and cycle through as fast or as slow as your PERSONAL recovery can withstand. I would also recommend, and do myself, adding in cardio days on rest days, or training days where you do not have much else going on in the day. That could be a walk, few mile run, swimming, biking, mixed martial arts work etc. whatever you enjoy that will get your heart rate up above ≈ 130. Overall this is NOT the program to get you huge legs, but instead a mix of upper body strength and size with cardiovascular endurance adding if you so chose. This program will be much less total volume than you may be used to, but really try to keep your intensity high. If you notice your lifts are going down in weight or are seemingly more difficult on previously done weight. I would deload for around a week. Only train 3 days that week and keep RPE BELOW 6. Deload days will be boring, but needed to keep systemic fatigue down. The program is listed as 4 “weeks” but that is simply a guide line and usually about how quickly I prefer to deload. Take this with a huge grain of salt, you can extend or shorted as needed.
Program Overview
- LevelNovice, Intermediate
- GoalBodybuilding, Powerbuilding
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length4 weeks
- Time Per Workout60 minutes
- CreatedAug 13, 2024 04:20
- Last EditedAug 13, 2024 04:43