Program Description
What Bald Omni Man did to get to 200 lbs and be as lean as possible. BOM adapted his routine to focus on what he can do better. Long term plan that is adaptable. What BOM needs to grow. Over the course of his training career he realized he can get better muscle growth by working each muscle 2x a week. And even more at 3x a week. Working a muscle 1x a week to be able to afford 3x on other muscles means increasing intensity. BOM works out upper body 3x a week and legs 2x a week. Took inspiration from Bro Splits. You can make gains on 1x a week for any muscle, you'll just be more sore. Golden Warrior has 3 versions/scenerios. Best Case - Working Upper Body 3x/week and Lower Body 2x/week. Middle Case - Working Upper Body 2x a week and Lower Body 2x/week. Worst Case - Working Upper Body 2x/ week and Lower body 1x/week. He made this routine to still be able to make gains despite life getting tough (ie. adult responsibilities) Dont skip the gym just because you're having a bad day.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Advanced
- GoalBodybuilding
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length12 weeks
- Time Per Workout70 minutes
- CreatedJul 24, 2024 10:44
- Last EditedFeb 19, 2025 08:07