Program Description
Zenitsu, at first sight a scared and useless underdog who might just get in the way, but who holds unlimited unseen potential. He is one of the strongest Demon-Slayers and as he progresses, he learns to control his emotions & his fears, so he doesn't need to rely on this unconscous self to take over. His Strength shows & shines from inside-out. He's the essence of taking what he got & mastering it to perfection, not letting any limitations he might have stop him from improving. This program will take it's roots in PHA (Peripheral Heat Action) training. It is similar to supersetting, but focuses on minimizing rest time while alternating between upper & lower-body exercises. Your rest between sets/intervals should be short, but long enough to sure that you aren't too cardiocasular fatiqued, so it would affect your ability to push your muscles close to failure. This way will save you time and keep your heart-rate elvated, resulting in a cardiovascular benefit while improving strength at the same time. Here's how to do it: 1. Perform one set of your first movement 2. Rest as little as possible 3. Perform on set of your second movement 4. Rest as little as possible Repeat this process until you’ve completed all your sets. The process is the same when there are three exercises in a group, you simple go through 1 set of all 3 exercises, then back to the first and repeat, till all sets are done. You will alternate between the three exercises with minimal rest in between each, ensuring that you maximize both time efficiency and cardiovascular benefits. "Important note about rep speed- For all the movements in this program, perform the concentric portion (the phase when the active muscles are shortening) explosively, with the intent of moving the weight quickly. This approach maximizes muscle motor unit recruitment, leading to faster rates of strength development. The eccentric portion of each movement (the phase when the active muscles are lengthening) is crucial for building muscle. During this phase, focus on controlling the weight at a slow tempo, taking about 2-3 seconds for each eccentric phase, and aim to get a good stretch in the active muscles." Explanation Of Concentrics & Eccentrics: Make sure to do between 5-10 min of warmup. If you do not know where to start, I recommend finding a full-body warm-up routine on Youtube, to simply follow before every workout. Warm-up is essential for your safety & health.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Novice, Advanced
- GoalMuscle & Sculpting, Athletics, Bodybuilding, Bodyweight Fitness
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length4 weeks
- Time Per Workout50 minutes
- CreatedJan 23, 2025 09:19
- Last EditedFeb 13, 2025 06:40