Program Description
Full Throttle Hypertrophy is a 4-week program designed to progress by 5% increase in weight lifted every month. Backed by numerous studies that have found the best practices for the ultimate Hypertrophy response: -Workout frequency -The most beneficial sets per exercise -The most effective reps per set -Tempo on eccentrics' -Lengthened partials -Percent of max vs. sets/reps -Rest time between sets and -Order of exercises If you've tried to gain muscle but struggled with plateaus or even sings of progress at all, this is your sign to take your foot off the break and FLOOR IT. Week 1 is the only week with BB lifts such as Bench and Squat. This is the week to kick your tires and check the oil before we really burn rubber. How do these lifts feel? Are you stable? Is the weight easy to move? Are your joints happy about it? Good, now let's move to week 2; taking one step further towards stability and range of motion. Still starting with free weights but emphasizing control. Week 3 and 4 is all about the pump, baby. Higher reps, deep stretches, and a long, hard squeeze for every last mile you can muster. Wanna go another lap? DO IT! Repeat the month over but with heavier weight. Bonus points if you test your lean mass before and after every round. Can you see the checkered flags?!
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate
- GoalBodybuilding, Muscle & Sculpting
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length4 weeks
- Time Per Workout60 minutes
- CreatedNov 12, 2024 03:50
- Last EditedDec 02, 2024 02:18