Program Description
5/3/1 Prep and Fat Loss is designed to be run on a cut and maintain muscle, whilst improving conditioning. I made this for myself so I could track my workouts without a spreadsheet. Before you run this program you need to know your 1 rep maxes for the following - Bench Press, Deadlift, Squat, and Overhead Press. Then calculate 85% of your 1 rep max for each of the four lifts above, to get your Training Max For example if your 1 rep max is 100kg, your Training Max is 85kg. When the program states do x reps for x%, this the percentage of your Training Max. For example, day 1 has the first warm-up at 30%. Using the example above this is 30% of 85kg. To easily calculate percentages, multiply your Training Max by the decimal equal to the percentage. So using the numbers above, this would be 85 x .30, for the first warm up set. Apart from each main lift, Squat etc, feel free to change the other lifts. If following the program, the pulls ups are interchangeable with neutral grip, and chin ups. These are guides only. Just ensure there is 1 push, 1 pull, and 1 single leg/ core movement. These should be done for 3x10 as a minimum. Do more reps when feeling good, stick to 10 when feeling run down. After week 3, add 2.5kg (5lbs) to Bench, and Overhead Press Training Max. After week 3 add 5kg (10lbs) to Squat and Deadlift Training Max. Two extra conditioning days should be undertaken each week.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate
- GoalMuscle & Sculpting, Powerbuilding
- EquipmentGarage Gym
- Program Length6 weeks
- Time Per Workout50 minutes
- CreatedMar 26, 2024 03:39
- Last EditedMar 10, 2025 05:35