Program Description
This program is ment to try and give you a slightly better idea of what your true 1RM is so you can more effectively calculate percentages and to help you know if you are getting stronger. If you do not know your 1RM then choose a weight that you can comfortably do while still being challenged on the lift, you should be able to do 2-3 more reps then the prescribed reps is, then multiply that number by 1.3, round it up to the nearest interval of 5 and that will be your 1RM you’ll be working off of for the program. First week is getting used to the movements in a safe way with some accessory work tacked on to help with other exercises Second is adding a bit of weight and working on more specific movements to help work through problem areas Third is adding more weight, lowering the reps and sets with a strong focus on good form especially. 4th week is test week and you’ll legit just have one movement pattern for that day. This program also concentrates on the 4 major movements; Squat Bench Deadlift Overhead press
Program Overview
- LevelNovice, Intermediate
- GoalPowerlifting, Powerbuilding
- EquipmentGarage Gym
- Program Length4 weeks
- Time Per Workout70 minutes
- CreatedSep 08, 2024 09:26
- Last EditedSep 17, 2024 11:51