
70 reviews for Phrak's Greyskull LP

Phrak's Greyskull Linear Progression Program (GSLP) is a popular beginner lifting program on Reddit and across the internet. It has an excellent balance of push and pull movements to help you develop a balanced physique.

The program is 3X a week, with 2 alternating days of whole body training. Weights increase every workout on the compound movements–squat, bench, deadlift, rows, and chin-ups–with a mix of bodybuilding isolation exercises at the end of the workouts.

Rules for GSLP:

  • Make sure to warm-up before entering into your working sets

  • Last set is for As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) with good form

  • Progress with 2.5 lbs for upper body lifts and 5 lbs for lower body lifts (automatically in the app)

  • If final AMRAP set hits more than 10 reps, consider doubling the weight increase

  • If you cannot do weighted chin-ups, use assisted pull-up machines or negative chin-ups until you can do bodyweight chin-ups, then slowly add weight

  • If you fail to get 5 reps in the final AMRAP set, stay at the same weight as last time. If you fail again, then deload by 10% and increase again.

  • The program can be run for as long as it is effetive, but at least 6 weeks is recommended

4.20 / 5


Man, 19
7 days ago

5 weeks complete

2 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Significant modifications

More sets by default. Adjust target weights, reps based on previous workout

Alessandro Rossignoli

Man, 35
13 days ago

3 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Good plan and easy to follow. Nothing to add

Justin H.

Man, 36
2 months ago

3 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

Less than expected strength gains

Less than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Simple - almost too simple though

Man, 29
3 months ago

7 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Significant modifications

Few errors and mistakes in the programming. Specifically the deadlift should be 1 x 5 and exercises should alternate each week. Original program doesn’t have accessories set and leaves that up to you.

Drew Peterson

Man, 36
3 months ago

3 weeks complete

8 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Good workout to ease back into lifting after a break

Zachery V.

Man, 29
4 months ago

3 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

This is a solid linear progression program for beginner lifters or people getting back into the gym after a few years off. It's low volume so personally I add a lot of extra accessory lifts on fridays. The best thing about this program is there is lots of info about it all over the internet. If you ever need help someone else has been in your same position. Best bet is to search reddit.

Man, 35
4 months ago

3 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Great program really enjoyed it!

Jared W.

Man, 34
5 months ago

5 weeks complete

4 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Had great progress regaining strength and some muscle after being out of the gym for 10ish years. With the weights getting heavier and more warm up sets, the time in the gym is getting too long for me. Will continue as long as possible, then likely switch to a 4 day upper/lower.

Jerry C.

5 months ago

3 weeks complete

6 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Good for getting back Into the gym after injury. I like to add a few leg accessories. Gains are pretty linear due to just getting back into things.

Rife J.

Man, 34
5 months ago

3 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

No modifications

Really good program. Follow program as it is written.