21 reviews for Road House Training Plan
Many fitness programs prioritize aesthetics over overall health and performance. However, this program offers the best of both worlds. It draws inspiration from Jake Gyllenhaal's training regimen for the movie "Road House," where he not only achieved a ripped physique but also honed his abilities to perform like a real MMA fighter, crucial for his role.
This program operates on a 4-day-a-week Push/Pull training split. This means you'll train for four days and rest for three, allowing flexibility in how you schedule your rest days.
Check it out.
Josef L.
Man, 315 weeks complete
6 years of prior experience
Less than expected strength gains
Less than expected muscle gains
I think some of the more ”whole-body exercises” weren’t that great since they require a lot of practicing to perfect. I think most people don’t target the right muscles while doing ball slams etc
Lazer M.
Man3 weeks complete
2 years of prior experience
Less than expected strength gains
Less than expected muscle gains
Very unbalanced strength work. Not enough reps. Strange progression. I added in more triceps, biceps, and shoulders.
Samantha U.
Woman, 313 weeks complete
2 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
I train regularly but had a couple weeks off and needed something to get me back into the groove. This program did exactly that. I feel great and see progress.
Max D.
Man3 weeks complete
4 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Efrain U.
Man, 495 weeks complete
8 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Good circuit workout. In combination with a good diet you will shed fat like crazy and feel energized throughout the day.
Sam L.
Man, 327 weeks complete
8 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Leanest I've been in years and managed to fit in with a 9-5
Alicia R.
Woman, 333 weeks complete
8 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Loved this program. Efficient and hard. Love getting total body in every workout.
Raphael T.
Man, 343 weeks complete
5 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Good and dynamic high intensity workout, that envolves strenght but also some circuits for the cardiovascular...a well rounded, fun and not too long workout. I added just some sets of ez curl biceps curls
Stephen White
Man, 338 weeks complete
8 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
It was challenging. I loved doing this and would try again to push myself even past my limits
Shaun S.
Man, 323 weeks complete
1 year of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Decent made a few exercise changes due to equipment. Landmine stuff mainly and TRX