
33 reviews for Matt Vena Intermediate Powerlifting Program

Version 2.0 of program

From champion powerlifter and coach Matt Vena, this program is a generalized powerlifting routine for intermediate lifters, focusing on squats, bench presses, and deadlifts with specific variations and accessory work. Here's a concise breakdown:


  • Day 1: Regular squats and tempo squats (4-second descent, 0.5-second pause).

  • Day 3: Paused squats (1-second pause at the bottom).

Bench Press:

  • Day 1: Larsen press and dumbbell incline bench for hypertrophy.

  • Day 2: Tempo bench single (4-count descent) and back-off sets.

  • Day 3: Primary bench day with long pause bench (2-second pause).

  • Day 4: Regular bench press and close grip bench press (2-3 finger widths narrower).


  • Day 2: Romanian deadlifts for hinge work and posterior chain hypertrophy.

  • Day 4: Paused deadlifts (1 inch off the floor, 1-second pause).

Accessory Work:

  • Triceps: Included on three bench days.

  • Back and Biceps: Back work on day 2, biceps on day 1. First set to failure, remaining sets to RPE8.

Progression Scheme:

  • Microcycles: 3-week cycles, adding a rep each week, then resetting reps and adding 3% weight.

  • Singles: Cycle through RPE 6-7-8 over the microcycles.

  • Taper Week: One moderate day, one light day, then max out with RPE6-8-10 jumps.

Focus on consistent form, controlled tempos, and autoregulating based on daily performance. Adjust weight and reps as needed to avoid overshooting and ensure steady progress.

Read the full guide on the website for full program details:

4.47 / 5

Conner Broke

Man, 22
4 days ago

3 weeks complete

6 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Love the high volume on bench. Added 4 more sets of biceps since there isn't enough arm volume and removed the pause deadlifts since there is too much low back volume

Michał K.

5 days ago

3 weeks complete

5 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

No modifications

Man, 16
5 days ago

7 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

No modifications


Jodi G.

Woman, 48
5 days ago

5 weeks complete

8 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

I liked the accessory exercises. Hammer curls?!? Nice

Victor U.

Man, 21
5 days ago

3 weeks complete

2 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Great program structure, might want to adjust weights depending on the compounds youre worse/better at.

Motiejus P.

Man, 17
6 days ago

5 weeks complete

2 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

No modifications

I like it

Vidigya C.

Man, 20
11 days ago

3 weeks complete

3 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

The rpe format of the back down sets along with the good amount of volume and peaking is really good. I gained kilos on my deadlift and squat but maybe the volume for bench needs to be modified. Could be because I have longer arms and can tolerate less vol as is haha

Williamson R.

12 days ago

7 weeks complete

6 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Great program and a lot of doable

emmanuel C.

Man, 23
12 days ago

5 weeks complete

2 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

No modifications

On week 6 and dying just trusting the process!


Man, 31
14 days ago

3 weeks complete

3 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications
