
0 reviews for Kristen Dunsmore Beginner Program

The Kristen Dunsmore Beginner program is a 12-week strength program for new lifters who love Squat, Bench, and Deadlift (SBD) but aren’t necessarily preparing for a meet. Whether you're building foundational strength, adding muscle, and imrpoving your cardio, this 4-day per week program provides structured guidance to help you hit your goals.

This is a program for those who are newer to lifting, with under 1 year of consistent training expertience. If you're an intermediate lifter, check out the Kristen Dunsmore Intermediate Program.

Program Overview:

Duration: 12 Weeks

Training Frequency: 4 Days per Week

Target Audience: Beginner Female and Male Lifters

Objective: Increase your strength in the Squat, Bench, Deadlift, and other exercises. Improve whole body muscle and tone. Increase your cardiovascular ability.

Program Philosophy: The core philosophy of the program is to engage the entire body in every training session. Each session begins with compound lifts that are fundamental in powerlifting competitions, such as the squat, bench, and deadlift. These are followed by accessory lifts and bodybuilding movements, providing a comprehensive training approach that enhances overall strength and muscular development. Some days end with cardio workouts to improve your work capacity and heart health.

Program Structure:

Weeks 1-5: Focus on progressively increasing the intensity of compound movements, complemented by accessory and bodybuilding exercises.

Week 6: A deload week to allow for recovery and reduce the risk of overtraining.

Weeks 7-11: The training intensity gradually increases, leading up to a peak in week 12

Week 12: Another deload week to allow for recovery and reduce the risk of overtraining.


Kristen Dunsmore is the founder of Empowerlift Training, which offers remote and in-person coaching services including, fully customized training programs specific to your goals and individual response. Visit https://empowerlifttraining.com/ for more information.

4.17 / 5
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