
139 reviews for 5/3/1 for Beginners

5/3/1 for Beginners is a popular variation of the 5/3/1 training methodology for beginners and novice lifters to dramatically increase their strength on the squat, bench, deadlift, and overhead press.

Be sure to check out 5/3/1 Forever book, which collects Jim's thinking on 5/3/1 with his latest training methods and over 50 training templates. Go to www.jimwendler.com to learn more.

5/3/1 for Beginners is free on Boostcamp App. You can also find other 5/3/1 templates like 5/3/1 Boring But Big and 5/3/1 Building the Monolith in app format for free on Boostcamp.

Read the 5/3/1 program guide below.

4.35 / 5

Liam M.

Man, 35
5 days ago

2 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Simple and easy to follow for someone just getting back into weightlifting! Worked as expected to reignite my interest in the gym!

7 days ago

2 weeks complete

7 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Simple and effective. Nothing fancy in the movements, just get in there and get the work done.

Joe T.

Man, 53
21 days ago

2 weeks complete

Less than expected strength gains

Less than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

It's good but I'm an old fella and I'm not backing this up with great nutrition so I'll have to get that going. Great to have the guidance and ability to collect details of each session. All good.

Nathaniel H.

a month ago

2 weeks complete

3 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

I needed to get moving again and this worked great. I was able to ease back into it and gradually progress without much soreness.

Darrel G.

Man, 49
a month ago

2 weeks complete

3 years of prior experience

Less than expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Not enough of a muscle gain but feel tighter and walk with a little bit of an arch. Takes more than 60 minutes just for the two exercises you suggest. Would like to add more on the arms may incorporate that next wk

Kristel H.

Woman, 30
a month ago

2 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Utilize the switching order of the exercises as needed

Glen P.

Man, 62
a month ago

2 weeks complete

3 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Great program it keeps pushing me forward


Man, 21
2 months ago

2 weeks complete

2 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

No modifications

Great program takes the thinking out of my lifting for the most part

Richard R.

Man, 40
3 months ago

2 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

I'm finishing my first cylce with this program after taking several years away from weightlifting. It's easy to follow and takes around an hour to complete with 1 minute recovery between sets. Set conservative maxes to start, you'll know if you need to adjust them after the first week. Also, plan your auxiliary lifts beforehand to save time at the gym. Bench increased 25 lbs, squat and deadlift 35 lbs, and overhead press 15 lbs. I lost 5 lbs and noticed my pants are a bit looser than when I started. I think most of the gains have been due to getting back to proper form and retraining my body to perform the movements. I'm optimistic gains will continue just at a slower pace during my second cycle.

Ryan J.

3 months ago

1 week complete

8 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

No modifications

Far from a beginner - but a great way back into training the big lifts after an extended period of time focussing on other training styles.