
171 reviews for Raider

Program Goals

  1. Allow a everyone from a lighter beginner, to a more advanced trainee to put on slabs of muslce and build work capacity.

  2. Focus on robust exercise selection to get you jacked.

  3. Build end range mobility and stability in key areas that typically get injured

  4. Prepare you for a strength based program (if desired)

Read below for full program guide on Raider.

4.41 / 5

Gavin B.

Man, 25
6 hours ago

1 week complete

2 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Raider is an amazing plan. It's by far the best and most fine tune plan I've tried. Coach Paris implants progressive overhead as a technique I didn't know about before as well as a few others. Overall, the strength gainz were amazing, and I will for sure be doing this program a few more times

Hugo Santos

Man, 21
5 days ago

5 weeks complete

3 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

No modifications

Loved it! Can’t believe we are getting this much value from free.

Felix A.

Man, 29
12 days ago

5 weeks complete

8 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

No modifications

Simple But effective progression, No guesswork

Nicholas L.

Man, 30
14 days ago

11 weeks complete

5 years of prior experience

Less than expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

I like the program but my gripe with the program is the weights don’t get heavy until they are heavy and your body is not primed for the weights. If I run it again I would do a 90% single during the lighter higher rep workouts so I still feel heavy weight and am used to it.

Gautam Kumar

14 days ago

3 weeks complete

2 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Good progress good strength


18 days ago

7 weeks complete

3 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Bald Omni Man is the goat

Tony R.

Man, 37
19 days ago

3 weeks complete

8 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

BaldOmniMan delivers. Enough said - time to smash a gyro bowl!

Don M.

Man, 43
19 days ago

7 weeks complete

4 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Well rounded and easy to follow program. I did feel I could handle some more direct chest work so I added in a small amount of extra chest specific exercises. Every lift in the program has gone up. Whether just in reps (side delts only) or adding anywhere from 5-15 lbs more weight on things like bi's/tri's or even 20-50 lbs in larger compound movements in just 7 weeks. My arms and shoulders are noticeably right and the increase has been commented on by numerous people. If I super set any exercises that won't conflict with each other I can get in and out of the gym in about 45 minutes most days. Ill definitely be keeping this routine in the rotation to do again in the future. Omni man did a great job with this one for a basic to intermediate level lifter.

Anul Kumar S.

Man, 36
19 days ago

3 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

My joints feel better

Trent B.

Man, 36
20 days ago

7 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

As expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Great program for beginners or intermediates. I got pretty sick halfway through and dropped down on some of my lifts so I won’t blame the loss of strength gains on the program but I can definitely tell a difference in my physique. I only modified things based on what my gym had access to or wanting to prioritize certain muscles on days and adding in a few exercises. Otherwise, a great program to start off with if you’re still figuring things out or looking to take things to the next level.