
29 reviews for Golden Six

Golden Six is an old school bodybuilding program, centered around six basic exercises, that Arnold Schwarzenegger routinely performed after moving to Munich in 1966 to win the major European bodybuilding championships.

While this is often considered a beginner routine, it is really considered such due to the lack of exercise variations as you would typically find in "modern" programs. You perform the same exercises every workout, 3X a week.

Read the full program guide below.

4.43 / 5


Man, 32
4 months ago

9 weeks complete

2 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

It’s a boring program, even more so than Jim wendler’s boring but big. But boring means consistency so if you can stick to it then you will make gains. I did modify it a bit: every other day is a deadlift day instead of squats, and the second six weeks i changed the reps from a 4x10 to a 5x5. Still made the expected gains


4 months ago

3 weeks complete

8 years of prior experience

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications


Bossa Bossa

Man, 25
4 months ago

6 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

Less than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications


Man, 44
7 months ago

1 week complete

4 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Easy & Simple. Switched Pull Ups for Lat Pull Downs due to body weight being too heavy & switched Behind The Neck Presses for Machine Shoulder Press for safety.

Eddie M.

Man, 15
9 months ago

1 year of prior experience

Less than expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Significant modifications

This blueprint is a great program for hypertrophy but due to its strict consistency I did not see that much strength gains. I would often have to progressively overload according to my own judgement rather than the program. No shame to this program, it was supreme but I’d like a guide to that “Arnold strength” featured on film and t.v.

Peter D.

Man, 43
9 months ago

5 weeks complete

8 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications


Quillon M.

Man, 16
10 months ago

5 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications


Reinout D.

Man, 30
a year ago

5 weeks complete

8 years of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Great training program, hitting every muscle 3 times per week. Great base to start from, it just lacks some variation, especially for advanced lifters. Swapped the shoulder excercise with some lateral raise or some rear delt. And also added some deadlifts and tricep work each week. Good program if you have less time to train, it takes about 5/6hours per week.

Ohik K.

a year ago

11 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

As expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

As someone in my late 40s who started weight training, injury prevention is paramount. Despite progressing very slowly with gradual overload, I achieved more muscle growth than anticipated. Even when I injured my back and had to exclude squats for a few weeks, I could still sustain growth with the rest of the program. Although rapid growth like in my 20s is challenging due to my age, sticking to a simple program structure seems to have greatly aided consistent exercise.

정우 서.

Man, 22
a year ago

9 weeks complete

1 year of prior experience

More than expected strength gains

Less than expected muscle gains

No modifications

my squat get highly increased but my body didn't get enough muscles